For information on entering the Student Writing Competition, please click here.
Nicoleas R. Mayne – First Place
Harvard Law School
Derailing the T Train: Curbing the Abuse and Toradol in the National Football League
Nicholas Plinio – Second Place
Seton Hall University of Law
Be-Wear of Wearables: Addressing cutting-edge technology and unique data privacy challenges in the "internet age" of professional sports.
Mike Ingersoll – Third Place
UNC School of Law
Student-Athletes as Employees: Northwestern, Columbia and Unionization
Tess Heisserer – First Place
Washington University in St. Louis
You Can Have Your Game But You Can�t Advertise It, Too: Fantasy Sports and the Right of Publicity
Joseph Dempewolf – Second Place
Washburn School of Law
Any Given Saturday: The NLRB Fumbles Regarding Student Athletes as Employees
DJ Rowe – Third Place
Duke Law School
It�s Time to Retire the NBA�s Rookie Salary Scale
Brantley Adams – Runner-Up
University of Mississippi
World Cup 2022: From FIFA to Terrorism
Justin Bryant - First Place
University of Notre Dame Law School, Notre Dame, IN
The Federal Tax Ramifications of Paying Student-Athletes: How O'Bannon v. NCAA May be Costlier than Everyone Envisions
Susan Schwartz - Second Place
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, CA
Fouled Out: Wells v. Xavier University and the Impact of the Title IX on the Wrongfully Accused
Brandon Knop - Third Place
Northwestern University Law School, Evanston, IL
Alex 'Roid'Riguez: Legal Alternatives for MLB Player Contract Termination in the Post-Steroid Era
Caren Seenauth - First Place
Western State College of Law - Fullerton, CA
The Constitutionality of Public University Imposed Restrictions on Social Media Usage by NCAA Student Athletes
Tom Mitchell - Second Place
Washington University in St. Louis - St. Louis, MO
"Changed Dramatically": Waldrep Revisited In Response to Northwestern's Unionization Effort
Ashley Arnett - Third Place
UC Davis School of Law - Davis, CA
The Women of the NFL: What Role do Cheerleaders Play in Professional Football?
Garrett Broshuis
Saint Louis University School of Law
Death to the Crazy Hot Dog Vendor? The Continued Erosion of the Baseball Rule after Commer v. Kansas City Royals
Sam Ehrlich
Thomas Jefferson School of Law
With Many Advisors they Succeed: Fixing Baseball Amateurism in the Post-Oliver NCAA
Kaitlyn Kacsuta
Duquesne University
Age Ain't Nothing but a Number: A Critique of Application of the Nonstatutory Labor Exemption in Clarett